40 kilometre speed limit sign.

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Resources to help you stay safe on the road

Advocating for safer roads

Safer roads minimise the chance of crashes occurring and the severity of crashes if they do occur. At RACV we support and advocate for making Victoria's roads safer. This includes:

  • increasing investment in road infrastructure, including road maintenance
  • better enforcement of speed limits
  • better signage at roadworks
  • better infrastructure to keep cyclists and pedestrians safe.

You can also have your say on road safety issues that affect Victorians through our regular survey series.

Keeping children safe on our roads

Child safety

Explore our tips on teaching little ones how to cross the road and keeping children safe in and out of the car.

Find out more

School education programs

Find out about our free safety education program for primary schools.

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Child car seats and restraints

From baby capsules and booster seats to fitting and installation, get the information you need to keep your kids safe.

Find out more

Riding a bike

Read our advice on bicycle riding in Victoria, finding cycle routes and choosing the right helmet.

Find out more

Safer cars and vehicles