Corporate Governance

Our Corporate Governance framework provides the structure for all decision making at RACV

The Board of Directors of RACV is responsible for the Corporate Governance of the company and its subsidiaries.

See our Board and leadership team

2024 RACV Extraordinary General Meeting

An Extraordinary General Meeting was held at 10am on Tuesday, 16 April, 2024.  The final results of the voting are as follows:




Resolution 1

That, in accordance with section 136(2) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), and for all other purposes, the Constitution of RACV is amended in accordance with the amendments marked in the revised draft of the Constitution accompanying the Notice of Meeting.




RACV Election of Directors

RACV’s Constitution and By-Laws set out the rules by which Directors are elected to the Board of Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV) Limited.

The nomination period for the RACV Board election is now closed.  

Any person considering nominating for the position of Director should be aware of the following:

  • In 2024, there are two positions elected by Ordinary (Club) and Service Members
  • To be eligible for election as a Director, the candidate must be a Club (Ordinary) or Service Member at the time of nomination
  • Retiring Directors are eligible for re-election
  • Nominations must be supported by 25 members, all of whom must hold current Club (Ordinary) membership at the time applications are submitted.  Details of proposers must be the same as those appearing in the Members’ Register
  • Nominations are subject to probity or similar checks on qualifications and experience.

Candidates will be required to take part in a skills assessment process, including an interview, to determine their skills, experience and competencies, including strategic thinking, financial monitoring and compliance, communication and interpersonal skills, integrity and high ethical standards.   Candidates will also be expected to demonstrate skills and experience at an advanced level in the areas of:

  • Financial services and general insurance
  • Risk management and compliance
  • Accounting
  • Strategy development and implementation
  • Legal skills
  • Senior executive experience in a substantial organisation.

For further information please contact the Company Secretary on 9703 6793 or

2024 RACV Annual General Meeting

The 2024 RACV Annual General Meeting will be held on 12 November, 2024 at 10am.  Further details will be available closer to the time.

Annual Report

The 2023 RACV Annual Report is available to download below. For a copy of a previous report, email

RACV Annual Report 2023 (PDF, 3.4MB)

Our Values

Our corporate values play a key role in how we work, interact, and make decisions day-to-day.

To read more about our values, click here.

Communication options for Member documents (Meeting Notices and Annual Report)

As an RACV Member, there are many options available to ensure you receive the communications you need in the form that you prefer.

Members are entitled to elect to receive the following types of Member Documents in physical or electronic form in addition to existing communication methods (such as accessing such documents when they are published on this section of the RACV website or other publications):

  • Documents relating to Meetings of Members (including Notices of Meeting and Proxy Forms)
  • Notices of Members' Rights
  • Annual Report

Members are able to access Member Documents such as the Annual Report and Notices of Meetings when they are published on this website. A copy of the most recent FY 21 Annual Report can be accessed above.

Members can elect NOT to receive an Annual Report where they have previously elected to receive a copy by email or post.

Members can make both standing and one-off requests and elections to receive a Member Document in electronic or physical form.  If you have made a standing election to receive Member Documents (either electronically or physically) previously, RACV will continue to issue member communications to you in that way, unless and until you elect for this to change by contacting the Company Secretary.

If you wish to make or change a communication preference or election in relation a Member Document, please contact the Company Secretary on (03) 9703 6793 or at

As a mutual organisation with more than 2 million Members, RACV operates in a very different way to shareholder-based companies. The attached documents outline our governance frameworks:

Constitution of RACV Limited (PDF, 265KB)

By-Laws of RACV (PDF, 354KB)

Board charters
RACV Board Charter (PDF, 142KB)

Corporate Governance Statement
RACV 2023 Corporate Governance Statement (PDF, 523KB)

Codes and policies
Child Safe Policy (PDF, 75KB)
Modern Slavery Statement (PDF, 2,098KB)
Whistleblower Policy (PDF, 311KB)

Tax Transparency Report 2022 (PDF, 4MB)