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The top repairs and reasons you should call a plumber

A man calling a plumber as he checks a leaking pipe under a sink

January 28, 2025

Don’t risk making that blocked drain or leaky pipe worse. These are the jobs for which you need to call a plumber.

When you’ve got a home repair or maintenance job, it can be difficult to know whether it warrants a visit from a tradesperson

But when it comes to plumbing, it pays to get a licensed professional to take a look. Not only can unlicensed plumbing work make problems worse and costlier to repair, in many cases it is also illegal.

If you have a waterworks problem, save yourself time, money and stress and get these repairs done by a reliable, licensed plumber.

How to unclog your dishwasher | RACV

Reasons you should call a plumber

Burst or leaking pipes

A burst pipe often means not just calling a plumber, but an emergency plumber.

Depending on the location of the burst, you may be able to turn off the water at a shut-off valve, preserving water flow to the rest of your property. If not, stem the flow by turning the water off at the meter before calling for an emergency plumber.

While a dramatic burst pipe might cause most people to contact a plumber, a leaking pipe might not. However, if you ignore that leak, or have it improperly repaired, you could be looking at a much bigger problem. Flexi hoses are a common fixture that can fray and leak, and it's important to check them regularly to help avoid major water damage.

Blocked drains

Blocked drains are a common problem that many people try to fix themselves. Small jobs like unclogging a dishwasher or sink might be possible alone, but if simple measures aren’t effective then its time to call in a professional.

You can also help stop blockages in the first place by not flushing things you shouldn’t down the toilet or pouring potential hazards down your drains.

RACV plumber fixing pipe under kitchen sink with homeowner looking on

Make sure you engage a licensed plumber when you have issues with leaks or blocked pipes.

Unusually high water bills

Not all leaks can be easily detected. If your water bills are higher than normal without a clear reason, the culprit might be a hidden water leak.

The following can also be signs of a hidden leak:

  • Wet pipes
  • Structural damage
  • Patches of grass that are greener or muddier than the rest of the lawn
  • Mould
  • Water stains

Finding a hidden water leak yourself can be tricky. Calling a plumber can help get it identified faster and repaired.

No hot water or water that is too hot

Problems with your hot water system can cause you to have poor or no hot water. Conversely, it can also cause your water to run too hot, which is a safety issue (especially for children and the elderly).

Poor hot water or lack of hot water entirely could be caused by anything from a faulty wire to sediment build up. Likewise, water that is too hot can indicate a problem with components such as the thermostat or tempering valve – if your boiler is old it might not have a tempering valve at all. The only way to definitively and safely repair the issue is to call a plumber.

A person servicing an air conditioning unit

A licenced plumber can work out why your hot water system might not be working.

Poor water pressure

Poor water pressure is another plumbing problem that could be caused by multiple reasons. This includes everything from blocked or corroded pipes to shut valves and water leaks.

Get a qualified plumber in to solve the problem before it potentially gets worse.

You’re renovating or installing new plumbing fixtures

It can be tempting to save money when renovating your bathroom or kitchen by doing things yourself. While there are plenty of home DIYs that you can attempt, installing your own plumbing fixtures is not one of them.

Showers, sinks, tubs, toilets and other plumbing fixtures that aren’t installed by a qualified professional can cause high water bills, mould and structural damage. 

A person servicing an air conditioning unit

A leaking ceiling or roof requires a plumber who specialises in roof plumbing to ensure the problem is fixed safely.

Roofing and drainage issues

If you notice water leaks outside the bathroom or kitchen, it could be caused by a leak in your roof or gutters. Signs of plumbing problems in your roof include:

  • Leaks from your ceiling or down your walls
  • Overflowing gutters
  • Water pooling around your garden or under paths

There are additional dangers to doing repairs at height, such as on a roof, so make sure you contact a plumber qualified in roof plumbing to get the job done.

Problems with a gas appliance or heater

Specialist gas plumbers are required for any job that involves a gas appliance such as a water heater, cook top or heater.

If a gas appliance stops working, contact a plumber that is also qualified in gas services. It’s also recommended that gas heaters are serviced every two years, which also includes checking carbon monoxide levels.

Note that a rotten egg smell can be indicative of a gas leak, which is an emergency situation. If you suspect a gas leak, immediately evacuate the area then contact your gas distributor. If safe to do so, open windows to improve ventilation and switch off your gas meter.

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