Heat pump, vented and condenser clothes dryers all have pros and cons. Here's how to decide what type of tumble dryer is the best for you.
10 things we forget to clean
Dishes. Countertops. Bed sheets. Remembering to clean the things that we use every day is easy. But what about the places and things that we often (and, truth be told, sometimes deliberately) forget to clean?
We’re talking about all the things outside of our eyeline (or out of your mind) that can be quietly building up grime and keeping our homes from looking and smelling bright and beautiful. So, on your next Sunday afternoon cleaning session, make sure this cleaning list isn’t swept under the rug.
10 things around the home we forget to clean
There are plenty of places around the home that we put on the 'I'll do it another day' clean list
Hands up who has cleaned their clothes-dryer filter. Anyone?