Young woman helping elderly man affix a bicycle to a car parked on a brick driveway.

Car insurance for senior drivers

Any RACV Car Insurance policy may be suited for older drivers

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Cover from Victoria’s market leader in motor insurance

Help protect your vehicle from loss or damage - whether you need cover for your own car, or just damage to third parties.

Every RACV Car Insurance policy comes with:

  • cover for any licensed driver who meets our criteria, even if they’re not nominated^
  • up to $20 million in liability cover if your vehicle causes an accident and a claim is made against you for loss or damage to someone else's property
  • automatic cover for vehicle modifications, options and accessories attached to the vehicle.¹

Manage your policy online, 24/7

Whether you’re ready to buy insurance or you need to manage an existing policy, you can get started by logging in to your online account.

Choose the right type of car insurance for you

No matter your age, there’s four types of RACV Car Insurance. Find the policy that suits your lifestage.

Complete Care®

The highest level of protection. All the inclusions of RACV Comprehensive Insurance, plus vehicle pick up and return, taxi fares, choice of repairer and more. 


Cover for collision damage to your car, plus unintentional collision damage to other people’s property and vehicles - no matter who’s at fault. There’s optional extras to further tailor to you.

Third Party Fire and Theft

Cover if your car is damaged by fire or stolen. Plus, for unintentional collision damage to other people’s property and vehicles.

Third Party Property Damage

Basic cover for unintentional collision damage to other people’s property and vehicles.

More than just great cover

Make a claim 24/7

Log in to start a claim online, or call the claims team. To check an existing claim, use the online tracker.

Your choice of excess

Help lower your premium by choosing to increase your excess on Complete Care® and Comprehensive policies.

Cover for additional drivers

Any licensed driver who meets our criteria will be covered when driving your car.^

Pay annually or monthly

Save on the price of your premium when you pay annually.†

Rewarding our loyal members

Loyalty discount

The longer you're a member, the greater your discount on selected products* with our Years of Membership discount.#

Multi-Policy discount

Save up to 10% on each policy when you take more than one eligible insurance policy.*

Make a claim or manage your policy

Make a claim

You can make a claim 24/7 in the app, online or by phone.

Find a policy document

You can view policy documents, or update your personal details and payment methods online.

Frequently asked questions

This depends on the level of cover included in your car insurance policy and what type of incident has occurred (for example, collision, fire, theft or flood).

Complete Care® Car Insurance provides RACV Motor Insurance’s highest level of cover when you need to make a claim, while Third Party Property Damage will protect you for the essentials.

To find out what you could claim, compare insurance options.

There are a few things you can do to help reduce your premium.

Increase your excess

Choosing a higher basic excess may reduce your premium. But remember, if you make a claim, you'll pay more out of pocket.

Pay annually

When you pay your insurance upfront, instead of in monthly instalments, you may pay less.

Save with the Multi-Policy Discount

Take out two or more eligible insurance policies and save up to 10% on each*. Find out which policies are eligible

Stay longer for a greater discount

The longer you're a member, the greater your discount on selected products* with our Years of Membership benefit#.

An excess is the amount you contribute toward the cost of a claim once it has been accepted. There are three types of excess: basic, age and special.

Some situations where you'll need to pay an excess:

  • you or the person driving your vehicle was at fault in an incident
  • the incident wasn't your fault but you don't have the details of the at-fault party
  • the damage is caused by collision with an animal
  • your car was damaged by an event (such as hail, or a tree during a storm).

When you start a claim online, you'll find out whether an excess is payable. If you have an excess to pay, you can log in to pay it online.

For more detailed information, see the Premium, Excesses and Discounts Guide (PED).

No matter who is at fault in an incident, the process of making a claim is the same.

You’ll need to provide us with information on the incident, like recorded time, witness’ contacts and details of other drivers involved (if applicable). Photos of the incident can give us a clearer idea of what happened and will help with your claim.

If your car has been stolen in Victoria, your first step is to contact the Police Assistance Line on 131 444, before making an insurance claim. We may ask you for a police report reference number and the date reported, so it's a good idea to write these details down.

You can lodge a claim by logging in to your online account or calling 13 19 03.

Yes, you can transfer your car insurance policy to another vehicle.

Things to keep in mind:

  • Your premium may change based on your updated vehicle. This means you may be charged an additional premium or be refunded for a portion of your premium.
  • If you transfer your insurance to a new vehicle, your previous vehicle will no longer be covered.

To transfer your policy to a different vehicle:

  1. Go to your online account.
  2. Click on your product.
  3. Click ‘view details’.
  4. Click ‘edit’ and enter your vehicle details.

You can also call us on 13 72 28 or visit a retail store.

Agreed value
This is how much RACV Insurance agrees to insure your vehicle for. You can choose from within a value range, and it remains fixed for the term of the policy.

At renewal, RACV Insurance considers the changes in your vehicles agreed value using local market values. Check your renewal notice for any changes.

Market value
This is an assessment of your vehicle’s value at the time of an incident you’re making a claim for. It considers local market prices and the age and condition of your vehicle.

For more information on what’s included in your agreed or market value, check the Product Disclosure Statement.

You can only choose between agreed value and market value if you purchase a Comprehensive Car Insurance policy.

All RACV Car Insurance policies come with access to high-quality partner repairers. We trust these businesses to quote, assess and provide a quality repair for your car - we even give a lifetime guarantee for any work we authorise, as long as you’re the owner of the vehicle.

If you'd rather choose your own repairer, this option is included with Complete Care® Car Insurance, or you can add this option to Comprehensive Car Insurance policies. However, it’s not included with Third Party Car Insurance types.

If you choose to arrange your own repairer, make sure you have selected an authorised repairer who meets industry standards. If anything goes wrong (like faulty work), it won’t be covered in your policy.

Car insurance gives you peace of mind to manage costs in the event of an incident. For instance, you may only end up paying the insurance excess rather than the full cost of car damage repairs.

Unlike other states, in Victoria the Compulsory Third Party (CTP) is included when you register your vehicle with VicRoads. CTP covers you for any injuries caused from an incident involving your car.

Having additional car insurance, like Complete Care® Car InsuranceComprehensive Car InsuranceThird Party Fire and Theft or Third Party Property Damage, provides you extra protection if an incident occurs - especially when involving other people’s cars.

No matter who’s driving, RACV Motor Insurance covers all licensed drivers provided they meet the underwriting criteria.

You don’t need to list all additional drivers using your vehicle, but it’s worth considering based on how frequently others drive it and any additional excesses that may apply to unlisted drivers.

It’s important to be aware that your car insurance premium may change if another driver is listed on your policy. If an unlisted driver is found at fault for an incident while driving your vehicle, you may have to pay an additional excess on top of your basic excess.

For further details on excess charges based on your policy, read the Premium, Excesses and Discounts Guide (PED).

To update drivers listed on your policy:

  1. Log in to your online account.
  2. Click on your policy.
  3. Scroll to ‘the drivers’ section.
  4. Click ‘edit’ and update driver details.

You don’t need to have a driver’s licence to insure a car. However, to be covered in an incident, the driver of the vehicle needs to be licensed.

To better understand your eligibility for RACV Motor Insurance, call us on 13 72 28 or visit a retail store.

All RACV Motor Insurance policies are suitable for senior drivers. Compare the options to find a policy that suits your lifestage, budget and needs as an older driver.

Complete Care® Car Insurance

This is the highest level of RACV Motor Insurance. You’ll be covered for damages caused in an insured incident and have access to inclusions like:

  • no excess for windscreen, sunroof and window glass repairs
  • vehicle pick-up and return after a claim has been made
  • post-repair vehicle inspection
  • hire cars after incidents
  • emergency transport and accommodation (up to $1,500)
  • any repairer of your choice.

Comprehensive Car Insurance

You'll be covered for damage to your vehicle and other people's property or vehicles in the event of a collision.

You can also choose to add extras to your policy, including:

  • no excess for windscreen, sunroof and window glass repairs
  • hire car after incidents
  • the option to choose your own repairer.

Comprehensive Car Insurance insures your vehicle for an agreed or market value.

Third Party Fire and Theft

You’ll not only be protected if you unintentionally cause damage to other people’s property, but also covered if your car is stolen or damaged by a fire.

You won’t be covered for costs to repair your damaged vehicle following an incident when you’re at fault.

Third Party Property Damage

With this cover, you’ll be protected for unintentional damage you cause to another person’s vehicle or property - such as driving into someone’s car or fence.

You won’t be covered for costs to repair your damaged vehicle following an incident when you’re at fault.

To find out what policy suits your needs, you can compare our car insurance options.

For full details of what is and isn’t covered, see the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).

1) Stop and secure the area
Turn off the engine and turn on your hazard lights. If a traffic hazard or an injury requires ambulance assistance, call 000 for emergency services.

Keep in mind other drivers are still using the road, so where possible, move aside to a safe location.

2) Exchange details with drivers involved
This includes their:

  • full name, residential address, contact number
  • driver’s licence number
  • registration number
  • car model
  • any insurance company details
  • the name and phone number of any witnesses.

It’s always good to take plenty of photos and/or videos of the scene and damage. Also record the date and time of the incident.

In Victoria, for minor cases with no injuries but may require police assistance, call the Police Assistance Line on 131 444.

If you can’t drive your car home from the incident scene, call 13 19 03 and towing can be arranged.

3) Lodge a claim
As soon as you can, lodge a claim by logging in to your online account or calling 13 19 03. RACV Insurance will then assess your claim and get back to you.

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Tips and advice for your car

1 On agreed value policies, cover is limited to the agreed value. Cars must be roadworthy and registrable

^ Additional excess applies to drivers under 25 or with less than 2 years' driving experience

† Comprehensive, Third Party and Third Party Fire and Theft policies only.

# RACV Years of Membership: at 5 years Bronze cardholders receive a 5% discount, at 10 years Silver cardholders receive a 10% discount, at 25 years Gold cardholders receive a 15% discount and at 51 years Gold 50 cardholders receive a 20% discount.

* The Multi-Policy Discount and Years of Membership Benefits exclude Travel, Business and Farm Insurance products. To qualify for the Multi-Policy Discount, you must hold two eligible RACV Insurance policies. For further details, see the Premium, Excess and Discounts guide at Discounts will only be applied until any applicable minimum premium is reached. On renewal, any increases or decreases in your premium may be limited by factors such as your previous year’s premium. You may not save more with more eligible policies and by staying with RACV Insurance longer if a minimum premium is reached, or limits have been applied to increases or decreases in your premium.

The information provided is general advice only. Before making any decisions please consider your own circumstances and the Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determinations. For copies, visit As distributor, RACV Insurance Services Pty Ltd AFS Licence No. 230039 receives commission for each policy sold or renewed. Product(s) issued by Insurance Manufacturers of Australia Pty Ltd ABN 93 004 208 084 AFS Licence No. 227678.