Busy highway at dusk with cars and trucks.

Sharing the road

Learn how to share the road with bikes, motorcycles, buses, trams and trucks

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Rules for sharing the road

No matter what your mode of transport, respect and courtesy are important factors in keeping our roads safe. Here, we summarise key rules around safety zones, giving way and checking for hazards. Learn more about the most important rules to be aware of when travelling around cyclists, what you need to do to keep tram passengers and other road users safe, as well as the key things you need to keep in mind when driving near trucks. 

The summaries RACV provide on Victorian road rules are based on the Victorian Road Safety Road Rules 2017. We make sure to reference the exact rule where possible. When reading, keep in mind that we’re providing general information, not legal advice. If you’re looking for specific questions on any legal matter, consult with a lawyer for help.