Motorcycle riders must generally obey the same road rules as drivers, however there are some additional rules that apply. Here’s a summary of the main ones to be aware of.

Motorcycle riders
From footpath parking to weaving in and out of traffic, find out what is and isn’t allowed in Victoria
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Rules for motorcycle riders
Riding on the footpath and footpath parking
This is only allowed when moving your motorbike from a parking spot to the road and by the shortest route possible.
For more information see rule 197 of the Victorian Road Safety Road Rules 2017.
Parking your motorcycle on the footpath is legal in Victoria, unless specifically prohibited by signs at a location, and as long as they don’t inconvenience, obstruct, hinder or prevent the free passage of any pedestrian or other vehicle.
See rule 197 of the Victorian Road Safety Road Rules 2017.
To help motorcyclists comply with this road rule, the Victorian Motorcycle Advisory Council (the State Government’s peak advisory body on motorcycle matters and policy) has prepared some simple guidelines. These apply throughout Victoria.
Read the Guidelines to motorcycle parking on footpaths for more information.
Motorbike riders and lanes
Lane filtering is the practice of motorcycles and scooters travelling at low speed through stopped or slow-moving traffic, for example at traffic lights. It is legal in Victoria.
Lane filtering is permitted:
- between lanes or lines of traffic in the same direction
- between lanes or lines of traffic and parked cars
- for motorcycle licence holders (not learner permit holders)
- at speeds up to 30km/h (penalties will apply for filtering in excess of 30km/h)
- if ‘safe to do so’
- on roads with two or more lanes or lines of traffic travelling in the same direction, unless signed otherwise.
Lane splitting is the practice of motorcycle riders travelling at high speed between moving traffic. It is not legal in Victoria.
See rule 151A and 151B of the Victorian Road Safety Road Rules.
A motorcyclist can ride in transit lanes, regardless of the number of people on the bike.
They may not use other lanes such as bicycle or bus lanes, unless signs indicate otherwise, or allowed by other rules (e.g. travelling in a bus lane to turn at an intersection).
For more information see rule 156 of the Victorian Road Safety Road Rules 2017.
Other rules for motorbike riders
Motorbike riders and their passengers must wear an approved helmet.
A motorbike rider doesn’t have to wear their helmet if the engine is off and the bike is stationary (but not parked) or they’re pushing it. Not wearing a helmet has to be reasonable in the circumstances.
For more information see rule 270 of the Victorian Road Safety Road Rules 2017.
Two motorbike riders can ride side by side (two abreast) and up to 1.5 metres apart. Another rider may pass if overtaking.
For more information see rule 151 of the Victorian Road Safety Road Rules 2017.
Miniature motorcycles or monkey bikes don’t meet the standards required to be registered as a vehicle. They can’t be used on public roads, footpaths or nature strips.
Related reading
Refresh your knowledge of the Victorian road rules
The summaries RACV provide on Victorian road rules are based on the Victorian Road Safety Road Rules 2017. We make sure to reference the exact rule where possible. When reading, keep in mind that we’re providing general information, not legal advice. If you’re looking for specific questions on any legal matter, consult with a lawyer for help.