With a bit of planning, you can see the spectacular Aurora Australis and Southern Lights even in skies above Melbourne and Victoria.
The best locations for stargazing in Victoria

From Melbourne to Mount Arapiles, Victoria is a haven for stargazing enthusiasts, offering some of the most spectacular night skies in Australia.
Victoria boasts some of the best stargazing locations in the country. While Melbourne has some prime spots, nothing beats getting away from the city lights and seeing the stars under the darkest skies.
The best times to stargaze are from May to September, when the nights are longer and visibility is enhanced by the crisp air.
You can view the night skies as part of road trip from Melbourne to Sydney or a Great Ocean Road coastal escape. Before embarking on any road trip, don't forget to take your emergency roadside kit and update your emergency roadside assistance plan. Electric car owners are advised to check EV charging availability along the route prior to leaving.
Here are the top spots to go stargazing in Victoria, and some tips on how to make the most of your experience.
The top 9 stargazing spots in Victoria

The Astronomical Society of Victoria's public events include Stellar Nights at the Melbourne Observatory. Image: Linda Richmond, ASV.

The Great Ocean Road offers an unparallelled view of the Milky Way. Image: Getty

Camping is one of the most relaxing ways to enjoy stargazing. Image: Getty
What can you see in the night sky?
On a clear night you can the moon, constellations, stars, galaxies, and satellites, and occasionally comets and asteroids. The Southern Cross and the Milky Way are the easiest to find with the naked eye, while a pair of binoculars will allow you to see what's known as the the Tarantula Nebula, a massive cloud of dust and gas 160,000 years away in another galaxy. If you're interested in finding out more, the Astronomical Society of Victoria (ASV) has events, talks, YouTube videos, and resources online.
How to make the most of your stargazing trip
Before heading out, ensure you pack the right gear. A good quality telescope or binoculars will enhance your viewing experience. To make the most of your stargazing trip, consider these tips:
- Check the weather forecast and choose a clear night for optimal visibility.
- Dress warmly and bring blankets, as stargazing can get chilly.
- Use a stargazing app or guidebook to help identify constellations and celestial objects.
- Minimise light pollution by using a red flashlight or covering your regular flashlight with a red filter.