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10 important tips for learner drivers

Young drivers in their first year of driving are much more likely to crash than an experienced driver. Here are RACV’s top learner driver tips for safe driving.
Young and inexperienced drivers are over-represented in road fatalities. 14 per cent of drivers who lost their lives in 2018 were aged between 18 and 25, even though this age group only accounted for 10 per cent of Victorian licence holders. Inexperience, poor decision-making, willingness to take risks, peer passenger influence, and alcohol and drug use are all contributing factors to this tragic statistic.
RACV Drive School Manager Lydia Kendray says that she commonly spots poor driving habits such as driving with one hand or using two feet on the accelerator and brake. “It’s just so dangerous,” she says.
Picking up good habits is essential to safe driving, particularly for learner drivers. Here are ten key tips for learner drivers starting out behind the wheel.
Top tips for learner drivers in Australia

It's a legal requirement to display L plates on vehicles a learner driver is operating. Image: Matt Harvey

Finding a comfortable driving position can help your driving. Image: Matt Harvey

Having professional driving lessons can kick-start learners' driving skills. Image: Matt Harvey

Driving instructors can help learner drivers improve their hazard perception skills. Image: Matt Harvey

Minimise distractions when driving to stay safe. Image: Matt Harvey

RACV Car Insurance automatically covers learner drivers under the supervising driver's policy. Image: Matt Harvey

Knowing what to do and who to call in the event of an accident or breakdown will help you stay calm. Image: Matt Harvey
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