Contents insurance covers items in your home. But what about items that you take out of your home, such as your sports equipment or portable electronics? Learn about how Portable Items Cover can help protect your valuables.
Common holiday items you might forget to insure

The contents of your suitcase can sometimes be more expensive than the holiday itself. Are your belongings covered should something unexpected happen while you’re away?
Victorians love a holiday - whether that’s a road trip to regional Victoria, a trip interstate, or a flight overseas. Often we pack the car or suitcase with valuable gear like mobile phones, laptops, bikes and golf clubs along for the ride too.
But have you ever considered the replacement value of all these items? When considering your to-do list before going away, it’s worth checking that you have insurance protection in place for your portable items when you leave the home.
When you take out contents insurance, you have the option of adding cover for portable items to your policy. This can help safeguard your portable possessions in the event of something unexpected happening while out of the home anywhere in Australia and New Zealand, such as theft, loss, or unintentional damage. Portable items cover can also insure those items in the rest of the world, although this cover is generally more limited.
So, if domestic travel is on your radar any time soon, here are a few portable holiday items you could add to your insurance policy.
Portable items to consider insuring before you go on holiday
The following items are examples of items you might want to consider getting portable items cover for. Policy limits, conditions and exclusions apply. An excess is also applicable. See the product disclosure statement (PDS) for full details.
Let’s start with a simple, yet often forgotten item – luggage and bags. With popular brands selling suitcases for more than $400, a missing or stolen suitcase can put a significant dent to the wallet should it need replacing, even without considering its contents.
Glasses, hearing aids and mobility scooters
Having your medical items lost, stolen or damaged during a holiday can be upsetting enough without having to worry about the cost of their replacements. Portable items cover can insure key items like your sunglasses, prescription glasses and hearing aids.
Mobility scooters are another key category of portable items cover that you should consider if relevant. Replacing such a large and expensive piece of equipment when travelling will be much easier if you aren't thinking about covering its cost yourself.

Bicycles are a common item to take on holidays. Image: Getty
Musical instruments
Whether you're taking your guitar to the campgrounds or your cello interstate for an eisteddfod, it's a good idea to have your musical instrument/s covered when you take them out of the house.
Musical instruments can be pricey, usually starting at a couple hundred dollars for a very basic beginner instrument and ranging into the tens of thousands for a professional-quality instrument. A saxophone, for example, can cost anywhere from $500 to over $3,500.
Note: With portable items cover, musical instruments are not covered while in use.
Sporting equipment
Sporting equipment is often taken on holidays, since it's a great opportunity to have some fun while staying active. Tennis racquets, golf clubs and bicycles are among the most common sports items taken on holidays.
Tennis is a fantastic holiday activity, but the cost of the racquets can add up quickly. With some tennis racquets costing in excess of $250, a family of four people can easily take around $1,000 worth of tennis racquets on holiday. This makes the replacement cost of lost or stolen tennis racquets quite significant, so consider insuring these sporting items before you pack them in your suitcase or car.
Golf is another popular holiday sport that requires expensive equipment. While clubs can vary significantly in cost, it’s not unusual for a full set to be worth upwards of $3,000-4,000.
Bike ownership has spiked in recent years, and bike theft has trended upwards too. If you’re taking bicycles on holiday, vigilance is key. Bikes can go missing even if you follow best practice in locking your bike. Adding portable items cover for bikes can give you more peace of mind when you're on holiday.
Note: With portable items cover, sporting equipment is not covered while in use.
Laptops, mobile phones and smart watches
Portable electronic devices like mobile phones, smart watches, laptops, cameras and fitness bands are often considered holiday essentials. They can be vital for staying in touch with friends and family back home, for taking and storing holiday photos and videos, and for general entertainment.
Many smart watches can cost more than $500, mobile phones more than $1,000 and laptops even more, so consider adding portable items cover for these valuable and essential goods.

Golf clubs require a significant investment and are often taken away on holidays. Image: Mauro Risch
Jewellery and watches
Jewellery items such as engagement rings, family heirlooms, watches and medals can cost thousands of dollars to replace. They often also hold significant sentimental value to their owner.
It makes sense to consider portable items cover for your jewellery - after all, unexpected things can happen to your precious items both inside and outside of the home, and especially when on holiday.
Clothing and shoes
Australians spend an average of $2,000-3,000 a year on clothing, making our wardrobes one of our most expensive household items. When you go on holiday, you're unlikely to take those daggy old tracksuit pants for lounging around at home in, but rather those nice shoes you save for a special occasion, or that special dress for a fancy dinner.
If you’re taking a new pair of expensive shoes, a formal outfit, or even just a whole lot of t-shirts and shorts, it can easily add up to thousands of dollars. It may be worth updating your contents insurance policy to protect these items when you're away.
The information provided is general advice only. Before making any decisions please consider your own circumstances and the Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determinations. For copies, visit As distributor, RACV Insurance Services Pty Ltd AFS Licence No. 230039 receives commission for each policy sold or renewed. Product(s) issued by Insurance Manufacturers of Australia Pty Ltd ABN 93 004 208 084 AFS Licence No. 227678.
Cover for portable items is subject to underwriting guidelines, please refer to the PDS. Note: fishing and sporting equipment, musical instruments or firearms are covered while in use.