Your home is a top target for burglars when you go on holidays. Here’s what burglars are looking for when they break and enter your home, plus how to safeguard your house.
How to safely store your belongings in apartment car parks

Apartment car parks and lockable storage cages may seem secure, but these areas are particularly susceptible to theft and opportunistic burglaries.
Neighbourhood Watch Victoria's research indicates that apartment residents are most concerned about thefts from storage cages and cars, as well as car thefts.
Bambi Gordon, CEO of Neighbourhood Watch Victoria, says apartment dwellers should avoid becoming complacent, and ensure anything they store in a communal car parking area is as secure as possible. She advises that building a friendly and supportive community within your apartment complex is a valuable way to help prevent theft.
“Setting up an online community, such as a WhatsApp group, or private Facebook group, will help residents keep in touch, and watch out for each other,” Gordon says.
As well as ensuring your contents insurance or renters insurance, and car insurance are up to date, there are several things that apartment owners and renters can do to protect their valuables.
Key theft tips for communal car parks and apartment storage cages
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