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Tips to help prepare your home for an increased risk of bushfire this summer

bushfires australia 2019-2020 black summer

December 19, 2024

Being prepared for bushfire season in Victoria is essential for protecting lives and property. RACV offers this bushfire preparation advice, along with safety tips, to help Victorians prepare their homes and create an emergency plan for the increased risk of bushfire this summer.

Everyone in Victoria who lives near dense forest, bush, grassland or the coast needs to prepare their property for bushfire, according to the Country Fire Authority (CFA). Bushfire season generally spans from late spring through summer and into early autumn, but it's prudent to be prepared year-round. 

RACV General Manager Home Bill Bloodworth says it’s important Victorians have a plan and stay informed, prepare their property and check their insurance.

“RACV is urging Victorians living in high-risk areas to take action now to prepare their household and property,” he says. “Having a clear plan, staying informed, preparing your property and reviewing your insurance coverage are key actions to take.”

How to prepare for bushfire season | RACV

Preparing your property for bushfire season

Understanding the risks you face with extreme weather conditions will help you better prepare for them.

Bloodworth considers that now is the time to help protect your home ahead of potential bushfires.

"Getting ahead of the weather and being prepared for the coming heat and elevated fire risks is the key to enjoying a safe summer," he says.

RACV has outlined its advice to help your home be safer from fires:

Tips for protecting your home

  • Keep up a regular home and garden maintenance routine by mowing the lawn and removing debris from gutters and pipes.
  • Seal gaps in windows and doors as best you can.
  • Remove and store flammable items (including wood piles) well away from your home.
  • Make sure your home insurance is current and covers you for the right items and structures.

Staying safe

  • Plan on how and where to evacuate to in the event you need to leave.
  • Have an emergency kit of essential and sentimental items packed up and ready to go.
  • Monitor the bushfire alert levels and Fire Danger Ratings and follow the advice and direction of emergency services.
  • Download the VicEmergency app for real-time emergency information and warnings:

Check your insurance policies are up to date

  • We consider that being prepared for severe weather events also includes making sure your home insurance and motor insurance is current and sufficient in the event you need to make a claim.
  • Read your policy Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). This document gives you a full list of the conditions, limits and exclusions associated with your home or motor insurance policy.
  • Calculate the estimated cost to rebuild or repair your home using a home buildings calculator^.
  • Calculate the estimated cost to repair or replace your contents by using a home contents calculator^.
  • Call your insurer to check your policy limits, what optional extras are available to you, your renewal date and any other information you’re unsure about.
man cleaning gutters

Keep up a regular home and garden maintenance routine to help make your home safe

Ways you can prepare your motor vehicle

As well as checking your motor vehicle is insured, you can look to purchase a tarp or plan to park it under a sheltered covering. Also ensure that your vehicle has had a routine safety check, including:  

  • Having a mechanic check that your vehicle is in good working order and free from potential defects.
  • Making sure your vehicle battery is in good condition, as high temperatures can affect it.
  • Checking that all tyres (as well as the spare tyre) have sufficient tread and are correctly inflated.
  • Fuelling up the vehicle. 
  • Stocking up the vehicle with emergency supplies like water and pure wool blankets.
woman and man packing car

Make sure you prepare your emergency kit and essential items ahead of time. Image: Getty

Know your risk, have a plan

You don’t have to live in the country to be at risk of fire. If you live near or plan to travel through holiday areas that have significant bush, forest, long grass, or coastal scrub, then we suggest you plan ahead for the fire season.

Not everyone thinks clearly in an emergency. Taking steps to get prepared before the fire season means you can plan for what to do when you’re at risk. A written, and preferably well-practised bushfire plan, will help you remember what needs to be done during a crisis. The CFA has a bushfire survival planning template to help you write down your plan.

woman and man planning

Taking steps to get prepared before the fire season ensures you have a plan. Image: Getty

Resources to stay informed

Those who will be in bushfire-prone areas should consider downloading the VicEmergency app on their smartphones and save the number to the VicEmergency Hotline: 1800 226 226.

If you are in a life-threatening situation, call 000 immediately.

These resources and apps can help you during bushfire season:

Are you protected in the event of something unexpected occurring?

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The information provided is general advice only. Before making any decisions please consider your own circumstances and the Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determinations. For copies, visit As distributor, RACV Insurance Services Pty Ltd AFS Licence No. 230039 receives commission for each policy sold or renewed. Product(s)issued by Insurance Manufacturers of Australia Pty Ltd ABN 93 004 208 084 AFS Licence No. 227678.

^The Cordell Sum Sure Estimate is an estimate of the cost to rebuild the improvements on your property and is generated by the Cordell Sum Sure Calculator which uses available property attribute information (including information you input or confirm) and/or information collated by CoreLogic about the subject property (from insurers and other third party sources) and analyses them against construction industry data to statistically derive a rebuild estimate through a series of computer implemented algorithms (Cordell Sum Sure Estimate).

The Cordell Sum Sure Estimate does not take into account individual design features, site specific conditions, structural conditions and materials, local planning laws or any other regulations and may not be suitable for your particular circumstances. The Cordell Sum Sure Estimate is an indicative guide only and must not be relied upon as an accurate representation of the costs associated with rebuilding your property or in lieu of appropriate professional advice.

While CoreLogic uses commercially reasonable efforts to ensure the Cordell Sum Sure Estimate is current, CoreLogic does not warrant the accuracy, currency or completeness of the Cordell Sum Sure Estimate and to the full extent permitted by law excludes all loss or damage howsoever arising (including through negligence) in connection with the Cordell Sum Sure Estimate.”