In light of a rise in burglaries and break-in offences, Victorians are advised to remain vigilant about burglary and home security. Here’s what burglars are looking for when they break and enter your home.
How to secure your home and deter burglars

Having your home burgled is unsettling. Here are some key ways to improve your home security and help burglar-proof your home.
Residential burglaries in Victoria rose 19.5 per cent in 2023, according to new data from the Victorian Crime Statistics Agency. Homeowners and renters across Victoria experienced 24,881 counts of burglary last year.
With offences trending upwards, it doesn't pay to be complacent when it comes to keeping your home and contents safe. "Burglars are lazy, fearful of being caught, and opportunistic," says Neighbourhood Watch CEO Bambi Gordon. "If they see a quick and easy way to steal property, they will."
Burglars are becoming more strategic with the households and contents they target, even targeting unusual items not typically associated with theft. Minimise your chance of becoming a victim of burglary by implementing these home security tips, and check that your home insurance coverage is adequate.
If you're the victim of a burglary, here are some guidelines for what to do post-burglary to secure your home, report the crime, and claim on your home and contents insurance.
More: How to make a home insurance claim
Guide to improving your home security

Sensor lights are an important burglar deterrent. Image: Getty

A home security system can help deter would-be burglars.
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