Good eyesight is essential for safe driving, especially at night and in challenging conditions. Here’s what you need to know about vision when it comes to driving.
Sunglasses are the way to better health

Summer is almost here, and the sun is intense, but it’s your eyes that need the most protection.
When warm weather strikes, all you want to do is throw on your bathers, slap on some sunscreen and enjoy that vitamin D. But in much the same way as UV radiation (both UVA and UVB rays) affects our skin, it also affects the health of our eyes as well as the delicate skin around them.
Think about it: you wouldn’t stare into the sun for long periods of time, but do you know daily activities can have the same effect and result in eye damage? Take the snow, for example, which reflects as much as 80% of UV radiation, or water such as the sea which reflects about 25% UV radiation.
Some of this eye damage can include short term issues like excessive blinking or swelling, but over time it can lead to far more serious complications like cataracts, damage to the cornea and even cancer in the eyelids and skin around the eyes.
What’s more, sun damage can occur all year round, regardless of whether the sun is in full flight, or hidden behind the clouds. That’s why it’s important to protect our eyes no matter the season.
Specsavers Optometrist Simon Kelly has a few tips to help you embrace some simple actions to make wearing sunglasses and protecting the health of your eyes a way of life (and look stylish at the same time).