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The 10 rules of cinema and movie etiquette

A family enjoying a film at a movie theatre

January 31, 2025

Texting on phones, feet on seats, and talking loudly during the film. What are the cardinal sins when it comes to seeing a film at a cinema?

Similar to attending a live performance or going to the beach, there are unwritten rules about how to behave at the movies.  

Whether you’re enjoying a family outing, attending a film festival, seeing the latest blockbuster, or on a date night at one of the best cinemas in Melbourne, here are the unspoken dos and don'ts of going to the movies.

RACV Members can save up to 40 per cent off movie tickets at selected cinemas*.

10 must-know rules for the cinema

Be on time

There’s nothing worse than a pivotal opening scene being interrupted with an ‘excuse me,’ as people shuffle past you to get to their seats. As a general rule, trailers go for 10 to 25 minutes before the film starts, so aim to get to your seat while these are on – and not once the film has started.

Sit in your allocated seat

If you’re seeing the latest blockbuster on a Saturday night, make sure you’re in the right seat. There’s nothing more awkward than being asked to double check your ticket and then disrupt those around you as you move to your allocated seat. 

Have awareness of personal space

While on the topic of seating etiquette, putting your feet (whether barefoot, in socks or wearing shoes) on the seat in front of you is a big no-no, as is armrest hogging or not supplying enough room for people to get past. Show others the same courtesy that you expect yourself.

Keep the chatter for the end of the movie

While movies are a wonderful place to catch up with friends, go on dates, and go on a family outing, they're not the place to talk about what you had for dinner. 

Try to keep the chatter to a minimum or, if you must, a whisper in the ear of the person next to you so as not to disturb the audience’s viewing experience. 

Phones on silent

A great cinematic experience is one where you are completely absorbed by the storyline on screen. Nothing breaks this more than a person with the big flashing light of a smartphone, or even worse - the dreaded ring. 

Turn it off or put it on silent – and put it away for the rest of the movie. 

More: How to get mobile phone cover with contents insurance

Couple texting in a cinema
Couple kissing in cinema
people with feet on seats in cinema

Save the texting for when you're outside the cinema. Image: Getty

Consider the classification rating, content and length of a film before taking your kids to the cinema. Image: Getty

Respect the hygiene and personal space of others, and keep your feet off the seats. Image: Getty

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Keep the romance to a PG-rating

Movies and dates go as hand in hand, as do flowers and Valentine’s day. Although it’s great to enjoy a film with your beloved, leave the public displays of affection for a private setting. 

Consider whether your kids are ready

The movies can be a magical place for kids to explore the latest fun stories to hit the screen and a great activity for the school holidays. However, not every film is suitable for children, whether in content or length. Research films prior to booking tickets to check the run time, classification rating and general overview. 

Many cinemas also provide baby-friendly sessions and junior-tailored cinema experiences designed for that little bit of chaos that children can bring. 

Avoid spoilers

Perhaps you have seen online how the film ends, you read it in the book version, or you’ve already seen the film. That’s great, but keep it to yourself. Some people are seeing it for the first time and would like to watch the magic unfold on screen on their own. And no, other cinema-goers don’t want to know “this part is really cool” before it happens. 

Time your eating and drinking

One of the best parts of the cinematic experience is movie food – popcorn, choc tops, and snacks a plenty. But be mindful of when you crunch on those corn kernels, slurp that soft drink or rustle that packaging. Those types of noises are annoying and may interrupt a heart wrenching or pivotal scene. 

Furthermore, avoid bringing in hot food from another venue – save the Sloppy Joes and tuna for home. 

Clean up after yourself

Just like at home, it is polite to clean up after yourself and take your rubbish with you. It can help save time for the cinema staff between sessions and helps recycle your waste appropriately. 

Enjoy the latest films at a great price

RACV Members can save up to 40 per cent on movie tickets

*Terms and conditions apply. Restrictions apply including weekends, Saturday nights and public holidays. See Terms and Conditions for details.