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RACV reminds drivers of road safety around schools

RACV External Communications

January 29, 2025

The Victorian school year resumes this week, with more than a million students expected to walk through school gates in 2025.

The return to the classroom serves as an important reminder for all road users, not just parents and carers, to be alert for children when driving and understand the road rules around school zones.

According to the Transport Accident Commission (TAC), around seven children aged 0 to 15 die each year on Victorian roads.

RACV General Manager Mobility Julia Hunter encourages everyone to do their part to make school zones safe.

“School zones are crucial areas where road safety must always be top of mind.

“Children are at risk around roads because they are less visible, and have a reduced ability to judge time, speed and distance,” said Ms Hunter.

“RACV is encouraging parents and carers to plan ahead, and where possible, consider parking further away from the school, as congestion increases the likelihood of collisions.

“Consider walking or riding with your children to school while demonstrating safe behaviours. This includes using children’s crossings or zebra crossings, meeting children on the same side of the road, and being bicycle safe.

“Children aged 12 and under, as well as accompanying adults, are allowed to ride on the footpath in Victoria. All children and adults riding on the footpath must still wear a helmet.

“Parents may think that providing their child with an e-scooter may help with the school commute and congestion, however these are in fact illegal for children under 16 to use on our roads and footpaths.”

Some school speed zones are permanent and in effect 24/7, while other school speed zones are only operational during certain hours and days. These time-based school speed zones are usually in effect between 8.00am to 9.30am and 2.30pm to 4.00pm weekdays during Victorian school terms (excluding public holidays).

School speed zones are usually reduced to 40km per hour on roads where the regular speed limit is less than 80km per hour. Where the regular speed limit is 80km per hour or more, the school speed zone usually reduces the limit to 60km per hour.

RACV has the following advice for drivers during school pick-up and drop-offs:

  • Stay alert: Be patient, aware, and exercise caution when driving through school zones. There will be a lot of excited children walking and riding around roads, car parks and driveways, especially during the busy pick-up and drop-off times.
  • Observe speed limits: Keep a keen eye out for change of speed limits and reduce your speed before entering school speed zones.
  • Reduce distraction: Ensure that mobile devices and other distractions are out of reach or turned off while driving.
  • Be mindful of school buses: Give way to a bus moving into the traffic and be careful of children exiting and entering buses.
  • Consider parking further away: Park your car a few blocks away and walk to encourage a more active lifestyle, while helping to alleviate congestion.
  • Consider turning your engine off: Don’t idle your engine as you wait. Studies from around the world suggest idling engines in traffic and around schools are detrimental to children’s health.
  • ·Use children’s crossings or zebra crossings:  Look out for the bright orange ‘children crossing’ flags. Whenever those flags are displayed, road users must stop for any pedestrians waiting to cross. This applies regardless of whether a crossing supervisor is present. Remain stopped until the crossing is clear and do not block crossings.

For more information on road safety around schools visit