Have Your Say
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‘Have Your Say’ is a series of surveys that Victorians can participate in to help inform RACV about the topics and issues that are most important to them. The survey series includes the RACV My Home, My Country Road and My Melbourne Road surveys.
Your insights will inform our advocacy both on the road and in the home.
My Country Road
RACV is asking Victorians to provide feedback about how safe they feel on roads in regional Victoria. This survey is map based and includes a short survey where you can provide us with your detailed feedback.
My Home
RACV has asked Victorians a series of questions about the safety of their homes, what’s important to them, and what they think homes of the future might look like.
My Melbourne Road
RACV asked Melburnians how roads across the entire city can be made safer whether they ride a bike, drive a car, or walk.